The Strategy Behind Always

‘Like A Girl’ Campaign

Summary: Throughout this post I will be depicting the strategies and propositions behind Always ‘Like A Girls’ campaign; strategies that aim to engage and change the behaviours of their consumers.

Creative insight behind the campaign was resourced from a study carried out by Research Now, highlighting that more then half of the girls surveyed claimed to experience a plummet in confidence at puberty, with the lowest self-esteem moments coinciding with the arrival of a girls first period, Always wants to change that!

In a social experiment led by film documentarian Lauren Greenfield, Proctor & Gamble’s feminine product brand Always sets out to transform the negative stigma attached to the phrase ‘Like A Girl’ and turn it into an expression of strength. In the film, multiple female adolescents, a young boy and one grown man were asked to show what it looked like to run, throw and fight like a girl, unsurprisingly all participants’ portrayed feeble stereotyped efforts. However once the embarrassing, discriminating performances had come to an end, Always invited pre-pubescent girls to act out the same requests, and refreshingly confident, serious efforts were made for each action, showing just how detrimental puberty can be on a young woman’s self-belief while highlighting that at one point being ‘Like A Girl’ just meant being ourselves.

The film is full of emotional triggers; seeing the young girls giving their best attempts to run, throw and fight like a girl, as a female fills you with a sense of pride, reminding you that being a girl is a pretty awesome thing. Director Lauren Greenfield also prompts you to question yourself, asking ‘What does it mean to do something like a girl? And when did doing something like a girl become an insult?’ By asking rhetorical questions it starts a process of reflection that makes you feel part of the campaign and its wider purpose. When one participant is asked; ‘What advice do you have for young girls who are told they run like a girl, kick like a girl, hit like a girl, swim like a girl?’ The woman replies keep doing it, because if you’re still scoring and getting to the ball first you’re doing something right. Talking to the younger girls reflects what we should all be reminding ourselves. Why cant ‘Like A Girl’ also mean ‘Win The Race’? Always campaign is propositioning young women everywhere to change their frame of mind, turning ‘Like A Girl’ from an insult into a compliment.

Along the way, of course, Always goal is to build brand loyalty, targeting young women who may not have even started their periods yet, which will make a particularly big difference as females often pledge loyalty to the first brand they start using as a young girl. By emotionally connecting with their audience Always are suggesting that by buying into the brand you are also buying into the confidence of women by rekindling or harnessing your own strength.


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